The Trials and Tribulations of Galactic Disaster

in the Tumbleweed Project Space

October 29, 2022
April 1, 2023

Jordan Bouchard sees scrap metal differently than others. Where I see a random assortment of oxidized whatchamacallits, Bouchard sees possibilities of potential body parts waiting to be frankensteined together. One at a time, Bouchard skillfully constructs his “Rustbots”, resurrecting them from the pile of scrap and attaching to each a name and personality.

The Trials and Tribulations of Galactic Disaster presents a cross section of the Rustbot population driven from their homes by an intergalactic evil. Accompanying the Rustbots are illustrations by Neil Braun. In this first-time collaboration between the two artists, Braun’s work transports viewers into the journey of the Rustbots, leading us to wonder where each bot came from, what they’ve been through and where they are going.

Standing still, yet charged with dynamic potential, each Rustbot contributes an individual story to the larger epic. With a little imagination, one gets the sense that although these characters do not look like us, they are like us. We relate to them as parents and children, heroes and villains, travellers and refugees — all trying to exist and find meaning on this planet we call home.

To find out more about the artists and their work, visit their social media sites:

Jordan Bouchard

Neil Braun

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